Fund Administrators

With the ever increasing oversight and regulation in the investment management industry, it is imperative that today’s Administrator understand and address their operational risks. Constellation offers a wide array of services to Administrators to enhance their operations, infrastructure and technology.

We will work with you on critical challenges facing your organization including risk management strategies, internal control assessments, compliance, internal audit programs, accounting and valuation practices, policies and procedures, business continuity management, workflow and operational assessments and technology reviews. Our professionals can walk you through compliance requirements, develop your control infrastructure, perform independent internal testing, identify areas of concern, and recommend action plans.

Constellation’s qualified professionals have over 20 years of ‘Big 4’ experience in advisory, valuation, risk management, and internal controls. Our independent team will bring experience and expertise not only to help manage operational risk, but also to evaluate your infrastructure including new regulatory requirements, resources and processes.

For more information about Constellation’s services call 212.300.6250 or e-mail webmail( at )